Compared with copper cables, what are the advantages of fiber optic cables?
With the further development of the trend of "opting in and out of copper", optical fibers have gradually replaced traditional copper cables and have become the mainstream of network communications. Compared with copper cables, what are the advantages of optical fiber transmission? Cost-effectiveness: Fiber optic cables are more cost-effective than copper wires. By replacing copper wires with optical fibers, both service providers and customers can save a lot of money. Optical fiber has a higher load carrying capacity than copper wire is another advantage. Transmitting more signals at a time without too much interference is of great help to customers. Flexible, lighter and smaller: In most urban areas, there is a severe shortage of space. This limited available space is shared by subways, sewers and power lines. They are lighter and smaller, can be installed in crowded and smaller places, and it is easy to transport them to different installation locations. Flexibility is ...